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Pest Control Professionals in Uniforms Ready for the Pest Extermination Job in Sacramento, CA

Employment With APEX Pest Control Inc.

Apex Pest Control Inc. is always looking for quality individuals to join our staff.

Our Branch II licensed route technicians earn an average annual salary of $42,000 – $56,000. Our paid benefits include medical, dental, 401K, sick leave, and vacation leave. If you think you have the credentials and ability to be considered for our team, please contact our office at 916-362-9294.

We recently had a Route Technician position open up. This is a full-time, career position servicing customers on an established route.
Are you looking for employment where you can learn a trade, develop your skills, and have job security with an established, locally owned, and operated company that’s been in business for over 40 years?

This position requires state licensing and we will train the right individual anxious to begin a solid career. This position requires a highly motivated individual who requires minimal supervision and is looking to excel and provide top-notch customer service. Our licensed field representatives earn $42,000-$56,000 annually. Unlicensed individuals are paid $17-18/hr while in training for the field rep license.

Employee medical, dental, and vision coverage paid by the employer
Paid vacation and sick time
401K retirement plan (employer matching contributions up to 4% of your annual wages)
150K life insurance
Required Skills:
Good DMV record (less than 1 moving violation in the last 3 years)
Ability to pass a state-required live scan background check
Good communication skills
Problem solver

If this position sounds challenging and exciting, please contact our office Mon-Fri, 8-5 at 916-362-9294.

Particular Homeowners Deserve APEX Pest Control Call Today for an Estimate