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Particular Homeowners Deserve APEX

Quality Pest Control Since 1978

Particular Homeowners Deserve APEX

Quality Pest Control Since 1978

Particular Homeowners Deserve APEX

Quality Pest Control Since 1978

Licensed and Insured Pest Control in Sacramento, CA

Apex Pest Control has been providing quality pest control services at competitive rates in the Sacramento, CA area for more than 40 years. Our technicians are state-licensed, bonded, and insured. They receive continuing education and training throughout the year to insure that our customers are provided a top notch service. Our customers deserve to live in their homes without worrying about pests invading. Contact Apex Pest Control today.

Professional Pest Control Worker Spraying in a Home in Sacramento, CA

Quality Residential Pest Control Services

Homes in the Sacramento area are exposed to various pests throughout the year. While some might just be an unsightly nuisance, others feed on wood, drywall, and similar materials, leading to significant damage and costly repairs if not dealt with by trained professionals. The licensed and trained staff at Apex Pest Control is experienced in identifying and diagnosing pest problems and offering affordable solutions to protect your home and family. Call us for:

Choose A Service That is Right For You

Every pest infestation is unique in its own way. The type of pest, the environment they’re attracted to, the landscape around the home — all of these conditions play a role in a pest problem. Apex Pest Control offers various services to meet the different needs of homeowners and productively treat each situation. We offer specials, including a discount coupon for new homeowners and reduced pricing for seniors. Our service programs include:

On-Going Maintenance Program

This schedule of monthly or bi-monthly visits is designed to keep your home pest-free year-round. The initial visit treats the inside and outside of your home. Follow-up visits focus on the exterior of the house to keep you pest-free.

One-Time Pest Service

Sometimes, a one-time treatment around the barrier of your home is enough to take care of your pest problem. With a thorough inspection, our team can provide a suitable recommendation.



Schedule Your Pest Control Services Today

Since 1978, homeowners in the Sacramento area have relied on Apex Pest Control to keep their property pest-free at affordable rates. In addition to our reliable services, our team will spend time educating you and your family about steps you can take to minimize pests in your home. Being aware of circumstances and environments that attract pests in the first place is half the battle! Contact our team for an estimate on licensed and insured pest control today.

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